sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2013

Ultraviolet light-emitting diodes to reduce bycatch marine turttles

Researches from USA and Mexico found that the use of ultraviolet light-emitting
diodes installed in nets reduces nearly 40% the capture of the marine turttle Chelonia mydas. You can read in detail the study published in Biology Letters here

segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2013

About the use of a photocell

Following good information on the use of photocells with arduino:

Analog Voltage Reading Method

The easiest way to measure a resistive sensor is to connect one end to Power and the other to a pull-down resistor to ground. Then the point between the fixed pulldown resistor and the variable photocell resistor is connected to the analog input of a microcontroller such as an Arduino (shown) [keep reading]

segunda-feira, 28 de outubro de 2013

They are coming soon!

Data Storage: Data Logging

Hi guys, one of the very advantages of arduino prototyping board for wildlife research is the possibilities to measure and store data. Here follow a tutorial on data logging using SD card shield with arduino, lets see it!

domingo, 20 de outubro de 2013


In the basement of a suburban two-story house on a quiet road just outside Pittsburgh, six mostly self-taught scientists tinker with an assortment of computer parts and electric equipment. They plan one day on becoming cyborgs [keep reading]

sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

LDR (ligh sensor) and blink with arduino and minibloq

Follow the code; (Segue o código):
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "IRremote.h"
#include "pitches.h"
#include "Minibloq.h"

void setup()
      float s0 = 0;
                s0 = AnalogRead(sensor0);
               DigitalWrite(D13_LED, true);
               DigitalWrite(D8, false);
               DigitalWrite(D8, true);
               DigitalWrite(D13_LED, false);
void loop()

quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013

Low cost equipment to observe fluorescent organisms

The last number of the Journal "Zoologia" of the Brazilian Zoological Society brings an interesting article dealing with the assembling of a low cost equipment to observe fluorescent organisms using LED' s and ATMEL microcontroller.

The paper is titled "Equipment based on high power UV and white light LEDs to collect and observe scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones) and other fluorescent organisms" Ramires et al 2013. Click here to get the article PDF

quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2013

Copying a book using Mindstorm Lego

A university professor in Austria has released a video, showing how he has set a Lego Mindstorm and a computer to copy a Kindle book. A simple and smart idea! read more

DIY kindle scanner from peter purgathofer on Vimeo.

segunda-feira, 9 de setembro de 2013

Improving Blink "Hello World", arduino

This is one of our work in the 1st classes on prototyping and visual programing, arduino + minibloq. We were simply doing the blinking leds, however we put them to blink sincronically. The second step was to control the blink frequency in response to the reading of a LDR sensor.

How is the waether? An arduino weather station

quinta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2013

Arduino IDE installing on Ubuntu and debian derived distros

It is not a hard task =)

Open your terminal and type (without the "$"): 
                                         $sudo apt-get update
                                                 $sudo apt-get install arduino


terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2013

Barcode scanner to Arduino using USB Host Shield / Leitor de Código de barras + arduino (En)

An addition of Human Input Device Class support to USB Host Shield library 2.0, announced several days ago allows using powerful and inexpensive input devices with USB interface in Arduino projects. Sample sketches demonstrating sending and receiving data to one of the most useful HID device types – boot keyboard/mouse, has been released along with the library. The beauty of boot protocol lies in the simplicity of device report – a data packet containing information about button presses and mouse movements. However, samples were designed to demonstrate all features of the class and because of that, they are somewhat heavy. In real-life applications, it is often not necessary to implement each and every virtual function – only what is needed. In today’s article I will show practical application of HID boot device building a simple gadget... Keep reading []

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